The Gods Must Be Craaaa-azy

Sometimes I find myself thinking about how much I disliked the movie "The Gods Must Be Crazy." I saw it once, back in the 80s when my age was in the single digits. I understood even then that the filmmaker was talking about cultures and waste and a bunch of other important things I would later understand as globalization and cultural relativism, but all I could think then, just as I think now is: That movie sucked big time. I would say that I learned a valuable lesson about how big important ideas could get bogged down in horrible storytelling, but that's not true since I still think about how much I hate the movie. I also disliked the movie "Oh God You Devil," though I have no memory of why. All I really remember about that movie is that George Burns drove a Corvette and all I could think while watching it was, "Has this guy always been old?"

Relief Notes

I came home the other day and their was an envelope taped to my apartment's door handle. I thought, "Oh great." I'll elaborate: I assumed that my dog had been barking or crying all afternoon, and my new neighbors had written me a non-confrontational, anonymous note requesting that I please quiet my dog. So I unlocked the door, checked on the mutt, opened the letter, and relief washed over me. The note said, "Are you ready to welcome Jesus into your life?" and it came with some sort of pamphlet printed on newsprint and cut to fit into the envelope. I didn't bother looking at the pamphlet I was so relieved that I didn't have to worry about my dog. A few days later when I was throwing out mail and got to the pamphlet, I flipped through it, and whoever had left it hadn't put their name on it. Like I had thought, it was a non-confrontational, anonymous note, just as Jesus would have wanted, I guess?